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#VM House: E X T E R I O R S & I N T E R I O R S

Proposed 6 bed detached duplex on 1,215sqms. Obio/ Akpor LGA. #riversstate

Features: 6 beds, 7 conveniences, pneumatic lift, wet and dry open kitchens, maids quarters, fountains, study, voided lounges, terraces, kitchenette on pent floor, sky terrace, automation and inverter room, fountains, cascading pool.

Architects and planners: @etarchitects_ltd
Structural engineers: @smarteraengineering
Service engineers: Gobarch Nig. Ltd.
Main constructors: @se_constructions

Project Status: Construction documentation

#designer #architect #architecture #nigerianarchitects #nigerianarchitecture #riversstate #ebisiketochukwu #ebisiketochukwuarchitectsltd